
The Courthouse Building

Capture the feeling of this old building and visualise the many hundreds of people brought before its bench.

Visiting the courthouse

Hoteliers petitioning for licenses; litigants seeking mediation for disputes; escaped convicts and notorious bushrangers, cattle stealers, sly grog sellers, thieves, and murderers brought to justice, many to end their days in the forbidding walls of the prison next door are just some of the stories that highlight the Courthouse.

As you take the tour through the magnificent building you will see an audio visual “The Berrima Story” which chronicles the village from the 1830s to the present day. Followed by a sound and light show in the Court room of one of the most notorious cases put on trial.

Museum Hours

Monday to Sunday - 10am to 3pm

Location Map

Fantastic museum...

...beautiful Georgian architecture, fascinating facts and extreme silliness... finally the "spooky light show" at the end is a hoot, hardly terrifying but great fun and a good way to visualise a Georgian court."

I loved stepping back in time...

...and learning about not only the courthouse history, but also of the town and nearby residents. A great day to be had - lots of fun. I recommend this to everyone of all ages."

We liked the film...

...on the history of the settlement of Berrima and the surrounding district, including the listing of the first fleet ships and who was on board. The court re-enactment is well worth the price of admission."

We liked the displays...

...and that they told us not just about the courthouse, but about the whole town. The sound and light show in the courtroom is entertaining, the AV presentation was excellent, and the displays are informative."

Fantastic museum! Beautiful Georgian architecture, fascinating facts and extreme silliness... finally the "spooky light show" at the end is a hoot, hardly terrifying but great fun and a good way to visualise a Georgian court."

I loved stepping back in time and learning about not only the courthouse history, but also of the town and nearby residents. A great day to be had - lots of fun. I recommend this to everyone of all ages."

We liked the film on the history of the settlement of Berrima and the surrounding district, including the listing of the first fleet ships and who was on board. The court re-enactment is well worth the price of admission."

We liked the displays and that they told us not just about the courthouse, but about the whole town. The sound and light show in the courtroom is entertaining, the AV presentation was excellent, and the displays are informative."