Visitor Tours

We offer tours of the Courthouse 364 days a year.
Self-guided tours
Starting every 30 mins in the “Captain Starlight Theatrette” then proceeding at your own pace through the various rooms of the courthouse, viewing such things as “The Berrima Quilt” display. Photographs of the German internees and p.o.w’s off the German first world war ship the Emden including their many and various exploits in and around Berrima. A timeline, First fleet room, holding cell’s and finally our presentation “Treachery Treason & Murder” in the grand courtroom itself.
Guided tours for groups & schools
Guided tours for groups need to be pre-arranged so that an escort guide is available on the day. Our guides are very knowledgeable with merry quips for an enjoyable tour. School Tours are also catered for, it proves to be an entertaining visit and we offer an information pack to re-inforce what the children learn on the day.
Ghost tours: “Become the ghost hunter for the night”
Berrima Courthouse Ghost Tours are conducted at the Courthouse with the APPI Ghost Hunts & Tours team. The tours start at 8.00pm and conclude at either midnight or 6am. Join APPI for a 4 hour or an all night tour, where they will take you through the historic courthouse, tell you some stories, and then they will search to see if they can make contact with any of the spirits who may still remain using their technical equipment plus some spiritual methods. This is a great night out – and even better, a great weekend away!
For more information please visit APPI’s website.